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What We Do

Our services help families retain their homes permanently, preserving family assets and protecting neighborhoods from blight caused by vacant housing.

Eviction Defense &
Right to Counsel

Helping clients understand their legal rights, navigate legal requirements, and providing legal representation for landlord-tenant cases. 

Free counseling services and legal representation in court to help tenants solve rental issues that could lead to eviction before they reach that point.

Working to expand Michigan’s right-to-counsel laws to include eviction cases so that more low-income Detroiters have proper representation and the opportunity to avoid eviction and homelessness.

Homeowner Solutions &
Foreclosure Prevention

Helping homeowners avoid foreclosure and working with residents to remain in their homes, become owners, and avoid eviction.  

Working with income-eligible owners to address individual circumstances that could lead to foreclosure, and with residents of properties in foreclosure to find a path to ownership.

Free counseling services for income-eligible residents who own or occupy a home in, or at risk of, property tax or mortgage foreclosure.

Our repair services address the needs of the new homeowners created by our Make It Home and other creative purchase programs for low-income households. 

Housing Placement &
Tenant Organizing

Helping displaced residents find housing, organize to defend their rights, and access available community resources.

Working with individuals and families who are facing eviction to identify decent and affordable housing opportunities and assist with relocation.

Helping tenants organize to resolve problems with building owners and government agencies, including action to obtain repairs or improve housing conditions.

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